25 Watt Moon, 1996

An installation in which a 16mm film is continuously looped and projected against a wall. A construction, on top of which sits the projector, holds 150ft of film tape between two pieces of glass. The footage shows moths flying around a 25 Watt light bulb. Mimicking the sound of the moth's wings, the sound of the projector becomes the sound track to accompany the film.

The footage was shot in City Racing gallery, London. It was shown in 1996 at Ridinghouse gallery, London and later in the same year at the Kunstmuseum, Wolfsburg, Germany, as part of Full House exhibition.

There is also a lithographic print edition of the same title, published by Ridinghouse editions.

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25 Watt Moon (film footage)
16mm film
150ft x 16mm
Produced by Ridinghouse editions